You are FREE to do what you want, but this site is better viewed in portrait mode. Who views a website in landscape mode...honestly? That's for shooting videos and watching Netflix.
Along 14th Street from Avenue C to the Hudson River, NYC
Melissa Calderón
AmericanThe#FREE is a web-based, social-media-controlled project that allows social media users from around the world to engage the dueling hashtags of #freespeech and #freesnowden in a silent, interactive, yet passive freedom of speech protest. The two hashtags will be displayed as a LED sign in the window of Otto’s Shrunken Head. The work invites the public to take photos and share via Instagram and Twitter, allowing for a visual comparison of these two hashtags as a “social media political thermometer,” very much at the core of our First & Fourth Amendment rights. Twitter & Instagram: @americanthefree